365 Daily Readings (OT and NT)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

1 Corinthians 7:17 (May 5th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

Lead the life that God has assigned you.  If you are not sure of what it is, ask God for guidance.  Remember God wants to bless you but you must obey.  God wants to use you for His glory but you must follow Him.  Is there something that has been in your heart for a very long time but you have not done nothing about it?  Ask God to guide you, give you a sign (or two or three).  God understands our fears and cautions.  He will never put you in a situation where you are going to look like a fool and fail miserably.  Trust in Him and do as the scripture says today: lead the life that God has assigned you and which He has called you.  Do it, get that blessing - it will be a blessing far better than what you were expecting.

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click here for: Materials

God Bless You

Judges 17:12 (May 5th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

        'Now I know that the Lord will prosper me'.  Do you?  In this verse we see how Micah, probably, in his ignorance thought that he was going to prosper because a Levite was a priest in his house.  Not because your mom, dad, or spouse are christian - you will inherit the kingdom of God.  The Bible teaches us that we have to surrender to God, confess our sins, accept Him as our Savior and follow Him.  You will not prosper because your spouse is walking in the Lord, you have to walk in the Lord too.
         Examine yourself, are you thinking that everything will prosper because of someone else?  Like the kids say today: I think not!  God will prosper you but you must have in your heart as your personal savior.

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click here for: Materials

God Bless You