365 Daily Readings (OT and NT)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Sheet

What is Ruby's Daily Sheet?

This is where I doodle what I want to do on the margins of my Bible.  I do this page in pencil because I erase a lot.  I divide my sheet into different parts; here are some of the different parts I use sometimes:

DATE = This date matches the One Year Bible Reading Plan that is in the back of the bible or you can pick a reading plan online at:  http://www.esvbible.org/ 
I did not put the year because I want this to be available to anyone for many years.

DAY BOX = This box is empty and available for anyone who wants to copy my daily sheet and number them in their own way.

READ = This is the scripture of the day that I read.  I get it from the back of the Bible or you can get it from the reading plan you picked online at:   http://www.esvbible.org/

VERSE = This is the specific scripture verse I chose to illustrate on the margin.  It is the one verse that spoke to me in a special way.  **You do NOT have to illustrate the same verse I did but if you do, I am okay with that, you can copy everything I did, it is not copyrighted.
       Important note:  If my drawing or lettering look like someone else's art work online, it is not intentional because I am doing my own creations and ideas and you can see my thoughts on my daily sheets.

BREAKDOWN = This is where I plan how to breakdown the verse and figure out how many lines I need which then helps me space out my work on the margin.

CIRCLE KEYWORDS =  Sometimes I circle keywords that I want to emphasize by either coloring them, making them bigger or both.

DRAWINGS = This is where I practice, practice, and practice my drawing (if I have one) and I scribble the colors I want to use.  If you see PC and a number, PC means Prismacolor and the number the company assigned to it.  I'm doing very simple drawings.  My whole purpose in this journey is to give those who have not artistic talent the opportunity to art journal on their Bible's margins.  If you really can't draw or make a mistake, you can always find a little picture - cut and paste it.
LETTERING = This is where I practice, practice, and practice the style of letter I want to use.  I count and divide by 2 to find the center of my words or phrases so that things look pleasing to the eye when I do my final draft.  I try to do very simple letters but I do have a few fancy that I like - just practice you never know.

Other items I use that are NOT on the daily sheet:

TEMPLATE = I took a piece of colored card-stock and made a template that I use to draw on each of my daily sheets and it allows me to see the exact space I have on the Bible's  margin without having to draw and erase in the Bible itself and messing up or ripping the page.
     Important Note:  There are pages that the margins are bigger than the template so for those pages, I am planning on making a temporary template to use all the space available for the art.  Deli paper is great for tracing shapes and cutting different odd shaped templates.

NUGGEST FROM MY QUIET TIME:  These will be online only.  They are going to be short and sweet.  It is basically my thoughts of what the Lord spoke to my heart.  They will NOT be available all the time because I want God to speak to you, not me.

P.S. Please excuse my grammar and spelling and if you have any suggestions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.

God Bless You

I belong to…. (Inside front cover)

This is what I did to the page that has my personal information.

***It is very important that you write your name inside your Bible.  Make sure to add either your address and phone number or both.  If it gets lost - hopefully a good samaritan will return it to you.


Check out my blog everyday for a new verse.

Favorite Verse (Inside Front Cover)

One of the many Bible verses that I like is illustrated in the inside cover of my Bible.  Enjoy!

 Check out my blog for daily reading.