365 Daily Readings (OT and NT)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Acts 13:33 (April 7th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

We are sons and daughters of God.  He has made us.  God has so many wonderful things for us because we are his children.  We all know that parents always try to give their children the best they have - how more so our God who knows us and knows what we need.  All we need to do is ask Him and have faith that He will not fail us. The problem is that we think that God doesn't answer our prayers…oh how wrong you are my friend -- God ALWAYS answers prayers - it might not be the answer you wanted but nevertheless He answers your prayer.  Remember there are three possible answers: "Yes", "No", or "not now-later".

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click her for: Materials

God Bless You

Deuteronomy 20:4 (April 7th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

God goes with us wherever we go.  God protects us constantly.  God guides us every second of the day.  So why is it that when we are facing an enemy, we forget that God who is present all the time, He can help us defeat this enemy and give us "victory".  I think that we don't realize that an enemy is not just a person.  There are many different enemies that come to take away or destroy our peace.  There are large enemies in this world like hunger, war, terrorism but the everyday enemies like no job, no car, no money, relationship problems can defeat us too.  Again, we have to allow God to fight against our enemies by praying (talking to Him) and asking for the victory He has promised.

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click her for: Materials

God Bless You