365 Daily Readings (OT and NT)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Romans 5:1 (April 25th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

What a description of a blissful and calm state which the sense of justification brings.  A blessed change takes place in the sinner's state, when he/she becomes a true believer.  You can have peace with God when you are justified by faith.  Faith will bring that justification, justification will bring that peace with God all through the mediation of Jesus Christ.  The holy, righteous God, cannot be at peace with a sinner, while under the guilt of sin.  Justification takes away the guilt, and so makes way for us to have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.  I hope you can find that peace and begin to built in your heart that eager hope that looks forward to a glorious future with God.

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click here for: Materials

God Bless You

Joshua 22:5 (April 25th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

How cool would it be if you are driving and this verse was posted along the way!
This bible verse does not need much explanation… "love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways and keep his commandments and cling to Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul".  I hope that you can do all the things it says.  Put your trust in God and He will never abandon you.  Have you been waiting for a sign from God to do something important in your life?  Then keep this verse in your heart and soul, wait patiently on Him -- He will not fail you.

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click here for: Materials

God Bless You