365 Daily Readings (OT and NT)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Acts 27:25 (April 20th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to have faith, to believe in something we cannot see.  We are weak and fall into many temptations.  Thank God for His mercies and understanding. Even though we may stumble and fail, God takes us in His arms, comforts us and guides us.  The Bible says to take heart and have faith. We must believe in that and not allow our faith to diminish.   God does not change His mind like we do.  God does not forget.  If you know and believe exactly what He told you and promised you, then have patient and wait - don't lose faith, it will come.  God always keeps His promises - WAIT!

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click here for: Materials

God Bless You

Joshua 13 (April 20th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

The chapters I read today spoke about the different inheritance each group of people received.  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word inheritance means:

a :  the act of inheriting property
b :  the reception of genetic qualities by transmission from parent to offspring
c :  the acquisition of a possession, condition, or trait from past generations
:  something that is or may be inherited
What do you want to inherit?  Most people want to inherit properties, money, estates, and so much more.  Have you thought of what your inheritance from God is?  God has promised us eternal life.  Do you want that eternal life?  I know I do!  Believe in Him, confess your sins, and accept Him as your Savior and you too can experience eternal life, the best inheritance anyone can receive.

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click here for: Materials

God Bless You