365 Daily Readings (OT and NT)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Acts 15:11 (April 9th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

Thank God for His grace everyday!  We would be doomed if it wasn't for His grace.  God is so wonderful.  He knows your every needs and takes the time to listen to everything you have to say; and boy do we have a lot to say and especially ask for.  If you are going through some difficult times and you feel that God has abandoned you - remember His word.  We often forget that God is God. He rescues us daily from so many things.  He carries us in His arms.  He comforts us.  He protects us.  He forgives us again and again.  No human in this world could ever do what He did, does and will continue to do.  Just believe that you will be saved through His wonderful grace and mercy.  B-E-L-I-E-V-E !

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click her for: Materials

God Bless You

Deuteronomy 23:5 (April 9th)

Quiet Time Nugget:

According to the Oxford dictionary, blessing means God's favor and protection.  What a wonderful thing that God favors and protects us because He loves us.  Sometimes we feel so insignificant to others but God the Almighty, the King of kings and Lord of lords just continues to bless us daily and considers us important enough to give us what we need and want.  We just have to believe and trust Him.  Just trust him!

Bible Art:

Ruby's Daily Sheet:

NOTES: Click here for: How to understand "Ruby's Daily Sheet"
               Click her for: Materials

God Bless You